Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pilot Episode...Introduction

Okay...I've been told for years that my life should be a sitcom.  Between the kids, the husband, the pets, the friends, the kid's friends, the parents, the whole life is one big, giant laugh fest.  If by chance it is a somber time don't worry...something funny is sure to follow.

If there is one thing I've learned in the 37 years I've been alive is that if it wasn't for the ability to make my life funny I wouldn't be here.  I truly enjoy laughing...think about it, it burns calories, it cheers me up, and frankly I find it very sexy.  I also enjoy making others laugh...which is what brought me here to this blog that is about 5 years past it's coolness.  But since I'm an 80s chick enjoying things out of date is my specialty.  I make it a point to make people laugh basically every waking moment...frankly if I can't make you laugh I have a hard time talking to you at all.  I'm amazed at the people who simply lack a funny bone...or possibly had it surgically removed to further their illustrious cubicle career.  I am friendly and outgoing to everyone I meet whether it is a friend, family member, or the cashier that should be friendly and outgoing to me since it is their freakin' job.  Ummm...hello retail hell?  I've seen the people you hire and I'm still waiting for a call for an interview...

I have an amazing, totally dysfunctional family that keep me scratching my head long after they all go to sleep.  I have a 19 year old daughter, a 14 year old daughter, and a 12 year old son.  I've been married to the mister for 19 years (no need to do the math folks...the oldest was at our wedding).  We live in a tiny house with 1 bathroom.  We have 3 pets:  the dumbest, fattest beagle you'll ever meet nicknamed "Hoover"; a fat gay cat who only comes out at night and says "hello"; and another cat who's holds top ranking in the pet department.  I'd like to count my son's hermit crabs as pets but they are gross and frankly I'm still surprised they are still alive.

 I am an only child who is very close to her parents...who up and abandoned me by moving to Florida last year and if it wasn't for the free place to stay on vacation I'd still be mad at them.  My husband, on the other hand, is the 7th of 8 children...and his family probably will not be discussed too much here due to the fact that I do like being married to hubby.  Oh the stories...

Well I'm going to end the pilot there...but stay tuned because I'll be posting new episodes any chance I get!

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